Friday, March 4, 2011

Which Indianhas Big Bust

My reading list. (March 3, 2011) L'Ami

The curse of thirty pieces. (Van Hamme, Aubin) Editions Blake & Mortimer. Blake and Mortimer in search of the lost tomb of Judas. Honest Jacobs with a pastiche of the final Spielberg. Pleasant but dispensable.
Marvel Universe 25 Realm of Kings. (Collective) Panini, Marvel. One of the best deliveries of Marvel with Nova, Quasar, the inhuman, the Imperial Guard and the Guardians of the Galaxy. A report pages nice and cartoony by Wesley Craig, the death of several characters in the foreground (but it does not last), a superhero story by Lovecraft and Manco ASRAD, Abnett and Lanning provide the scenario.
The Youth of Scrooge (Scrooge 469) by Don Rosa. Hachette Editions. Always so funny.
RG, Riyadh on the Seine (T1) Bangkok-Belleville (T2) Stone Dragon and Frederik Peeters. Bayou Publishing. Immersed in the everyday world of a cop. Excellent thriller. Good script, good drawings.