In my previous message, I said that I would buy Butterfly . That's what I did last Sunday and I received the album yesterday (six days after my order, it's fast, so that the package comes from England!). I would take care of this very hard for Kelli Ali signed to me (you can ask for when ordering on PayPal) and it makes me really happy! There was not only the album in the package because it was also accompanied by a leaflet-poster advertising the latest disc by Kelli Ali ( Rocking Horse , Butterfly and The Savages singles and What To Do ) also signé.Je'll even keep the shell because it is very likely (I'm even sure) Kelli Ali, who wrote my coordinates are (yes, I am a big fan!).
Butterfly is an album comprised of acoustic ten songs that are, in order, Butterfly , Throw it to the Dogs , One Day at a Time , Willows Song , Wings in Motion , Rocking Horse , Uric , September Sky , A Storm in a Teacup and Before the Kiss . The two new songs are Butterfly and Throw it to the Dogs . Willows Song is a cover of a song that comes from the soundtrack of a film called The Wicker Man . I was very pleasantly surprised when I heard this song because the title is also present in the name How Do Album Becoming X Sneaker Pimps of with Kelli Ali was chanteuse.C 'was the last title of the album and the best, he was really magnifique.Je am very glad to find this title on this album! Wings in Motion is a cover of a song Tigermouth , the first solo album of the singer. One Day at a Time , Rocking Horse , Uric , September Sky and A Storm in a Teacup are covers of songs from the album Divine Rocking Horse. The last song, Before the Kiss is a song from a period of 3 minutes 57 whose first half is a new acoustic music and the last half a cover of The Kiss always album Rocking Horse .
All the songs from the album, both new as the times are bien.Butterfly is definitely an album to own!
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