Friday, December 31, 2010

Homeopathic Remedy For Dogs With Skin Tags

Happy P. .. Happy New Year ! Carrion

Come on, it's fact:

To all ...
Happy Easter!
(Ah, the authority has informed me that it would seem that I made a small mistake ...)

Thursday, December 30, 2010

High Ferritinlow Leukocytes


Charonne Metro is one of the episodes The most famous of the War of Algeria . (Because it's official now, they say "war." In time for those who believe in an initiative a little too heavy-handed Club Med to promote destinations sunny ...) It is
related sudden death a handful of protesters, February 8, 1962, when they took part in a walkover with the Paris Prefecture corrected unexpectedly ... the course.

The survey showed that they had no ticket.

For happiness, the young Republic could, in these troubled times, resting on committed as zealous Maurice Papon, who managed to show a particular zeal for the interview - and the release - the highway when he headed Prefecture de Police de Paris.

Las men and regimes sometimes appear ungrateful to the brilliant technocrats and magistrates, probably ill-informed, made him grievance, not - among others - a certain nocturnal disturbance in 1961 (it does no good to rehash the past as saying Klaus B., a craftsman who knew Teutonic export its expertise in Latin America), but its eager promotion of rail transport when it was Secretary General of the Prefecture of the Gironde from 1942 to 1944.
(Period for which he resisted ...
the urge to resist, but it was hard.)

Indeed, he knew how to benefit from preferential tariffs on Main station (it's possible!) To entire families, who did not even ask. And
without discrimination because foreigners also - especially - were entitled to.
precursors are not always recognized at fair value and the court did not render justice to the visionary design transit.

So misunderstood that Maurice Papon died in her bed February 17, 2007 at Pontault-Combault in Seine-et-Marne. But is it not honor a great servant to have known used interchangeably, and with the same promptness, successive political regimes?

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Client Confidentiality Clause Precedent

Metro, the movie you will ever see ... Fatal

And for good reason, this film does not exist, nor Roa editions that publish this character. I refer also to blog.
Cosmicman Superman is a French screenwriter designed by John King on the edge of 50s. He was censured in the same way as his illustrious counterpart Fantax.
In the 60s, in the vein of movies superheroes kind Superargo , producer De Laurentiis Tyranno (inspired by a Dino * famous.) Conceived the idea of funding this work, produced by Mario (Bava **) Saliva, with Monica ( Vitti ***) and Vitry Arson Wheels ( orsonwells ****) , Alan Kirk ( Kirk Alyn *****) and Michel ( Piccoli ******) Piccolo.
Cosmicman appears in the album Tom and William is most fitting tribute to the popular comic strip, published in recent years (with another which I forgot the title.) ** *****

* recently deceased Italian producer of Barbarella of Brain of King Kong 1976 of Dune etc..
** Italian director Planet of Vampires, The Devil's Mask, The Battle of Marathon, and Danger: Diabolik.
*** interpreter Modesty Blase in the movie Joseph Losey.
**** brilliant playwright and radio (he was the voice of the Shadow and origin of the false panic linked to his adaptation of War of the Worlds ) illustrates - and cursed - filmmaker who revolutionized film as Citizen Kane, Macbeth, Touch of Evil ... , narrator of tales of angst on television, promoter of strong drinks in ads taken many failed, etc. great fantasist.
***** interpreter Clark Kent in the 50s serial and Superman that - officially - played its own role!
****** French actor interprets the Inspector Ginko in Danger: Diabolik, film he tried to delete his filmography at any price (of danger ...)
* ****** to go to the blog author, excellent Laurent Lefevre, click in the column next.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

How Do I Make Sugar Paste With Agar


A Canticle for Liebowitz is a classic of literature Science Fiction and
Tora (Tiger) Tora Tora , the battle cry of the Japanese pilots who attacked Pearl Harbour. The
rigor mortis means "stiff corpse"
kosher meat must be prepared in compliance with Jewish religious principles (and, in particular, be emptied of blood!)
Editions Calmann-Levy really exist - but without "t".

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Pros And Cons Of Organ Sale

the night of ... Drinker

Variations on the themes of The Night of the Hunter , the magnificent Charles film screened at the cinema Laugthon The Atmospheres through the festival season 48 hours of detective Clermont-Ferrand.
A diversion in the form of a fleece blanket. The pun refers to the comedy The Gentleman from Epsom , a nice bright comedy with Gabin and De Funès.
With the overlay of the title of a famous Beatles song .
Then a fake commercial for So Good, a delicatessen that really exists, festival partner The 48 hours of the Polar in Clermont.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Antm Brazilian Waxing

Leaping like a beast ...

In The Magnificent , Jean-Paul Belmondo embodies Bob St. Clare , the best secret agent the world.
He has the face of its creator, Francis Merlin , hardworking writer who types kilometer adventures of his avatar.
As for the vile Karpof , Albanian secret service chief in fiction, he directs editions Charon in reality ... And
editor Merlin.
The film is a little unsettling: it begins as a parody (barely) extravagant films in the spy James Bond sauce to turn the setting into the abyss, where it runs parallel to the setbacks and professionals the unfortunate emotional Francois Merlin, which troubles spill over the events that saw St. Clare, to finally see a final highly delusional.
Bébel actually tons-secret agent, author missed, clown, crazy twisted (he rolls a nutcracker to Karpof / Charon before him and declare his love to flee with him in tandem!) while the film passes through the mill all the cliches of the genre (it's rather SAS is in the collimator) and c ' is gratifying.
So I resumed the presentation of the collection of Super Crime Club editions Charon (some covers can be seen briefly in the film - which The Maltese Pigeon ^ ^) that eye on the collections of SAS Gerard de Villiers Belmondo and caricatured by Bob St. Clare.
Bloodshed is a nod to the pre-generic James Bond about formula "as a frolicking fawn ...", and it takes away the figure of speech threadbare that Francis Merlin employs in each of his novels: Bob St. Clare does everything" like a wild beast. "
Belmondo starred in "The Man from Rio Philippe de Broca, one of the best adaptations of the adventures of pirates Tintin (with The Tribulations of a Chinaman in China still with Belmondo) and Rio unresponsive is the second installment of the adventures parody of OSS 117 with Jean Dujardin.
This cover is a dedication to my two booksellers Preferred François Thibault and , including The Magnificent is a cult film.

Japanese Wedding Card

Biology Practitioner or defeated David against Goliath.

Friends Biologists, hello.

Death to Assumption Labmutation reborn at Christmas!
not see any religious symbol because it is the justice of men who led this return, especially that of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). Any good biologist who respects himself certainly remembers the June 2, 2010. That day, the Advocate General delivered his opinion on the C89-09 case that pitted, for almost 2 years, the European Commission to biology practitioner French.
I stated in a previous post its proposal to the Court:

" I move the Court to dismiss the action insofar as the Commission calls to note that limiting the law to quarter than the shares and thus voting rights can be owned by non-biologists as part of a company of limited liability professional (SELARL) formed to operate in one or more common laboratory bio-medical analysis, the Republic French has failed to fulfill its obligations under Article 43 EC . "

Six months later, on December 16, the ECJ makes its ruling that you can read in its entirety on Site of the court and it vindicates the General Counsel and recognized that the merits of the French biology practitioner. To convince you, I extracted the following two paragraphs:

66 Thus, given the power accorded to Member States to determine the level at which they wish to protection of public health , it must be conceded that they may require biomedical tests are carried out by biologists enjoying a real professional independence . They can also take measures to eliminate or reduce a risk to independence if such a breach would be likely to affect public health and quality of medical services (see, in the sense , Case May 19, 2009, Commission v Italy, paragraph 59, and Apothekerkammer des Saarlandes Others, paragraph 35).

67 Non-biologists have not, by definition, training, experience and a responsibility equivalent to those of biologists. In these circumstances it is appropriate to note that they do not have the same guarantees as those provided by them (see, to that effect, dated 19 May 2009 Commission v Italy, paragraph 62, and Apothekerkammer des Saarlandes Others, paragraph 38).

the Court in its wisdom has recalled the fundamental concepts of biology practitioner, who both been mocked or trampled upon by proponents of biology financial . It also consolidates the tenacity of the thousands of biologists not only convinced by the interest of their daily exercise (the famous Biologists Resistant ) but also trained, experienced, responsible, independent, that provide quality medical service and participate in the protection of public health.
The Court also confirmed by this decision that health is not a commodity like any other and that capital and medical practice do not mix.

Some of you bitch again, recalling that all is far from settled and that the purely capitalistic continue to buy small laboratories. While I grant you, but we always mark major life events, a profession or year and discontinuation of December 16 is a challenge.

For more details, I refer you to article by Geraldine otherwise excavated more than this modest post.

Finally, this Christmas, if you still have not found a gift for your sister, your stepfather's nephew or your girlfriend, I suggest the excellentissime " indignation you " Stéphane Hessel. Buy several, you should only do happy.

Excellent holiday.

GoM, return.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Ballet Shoe Template And Cake Central

Mara Carlyle!

Hier, Mara Carlyle a publié un nouveau message sur sa page MySpace !
Le voici dans son intégralité:


So. Fancy that. As you know, a couple of months ago I made the very difficult decision to give up trying to put out my record because this fruitless endeavour was, basically, ruining my life. Then, just 3 weeks later, in a turn of fate that will give the Chilean miners a run for their money in this year's Heartwarming Stories Awards, I got a call from Ikea. I'll let Will Hodgkinson explain, from last Friday's Guardian:

Yes, it would seem that my career has been given a reprieve by a Swedish furniture company. Who'd a thunk it?

and you can see the advert itself here (it's actually rather lovely):

So I guess there really was wisdom in letting go after all. I have to say, it feels amazing. And the phone has most certainly been ringing lately, with something of a renewed fervour, which is leading me to believe that my sweet and patient album may well get a release after all.

Thank you so much to everyone who has tweeted, retweeted, blogged or posted about my recent good fortune (special mention to Jon Snow and Helen Walters for their sterling efforts in this medium)...turns out it really makes a difference. I'm aware that my 'online presence' is shabby to say the least, and I swear I'm working on it but in the meantime all the support and shouts you guys give me is a huge help. Not sure where I'd be without it, to be honest.

Speaking of which, a big thank you to The Invisible for endowing me with the best quote EVER. I am so excited and flattered by their description of me as the 'Missy Elliot of the classical world' that from now on I may insist that I am always addressed as such.

And to illustrate this point, here's an example of me getting my freak on with Ralph Vaughan Williams:


I plan to return some of the aforementioned phonecalls and see what devilish plans the music industry has for me now.

I plan to record composer Emily Hall's beautiful 'Love Songs' song cycle with Oliver Coates and John Reid.

I plan to take a trip to New York, and maybe play my first US show.

I plan to collaborate with Sam Mason on more of his extraordinary videos: (turns out I'm an excellent face painter - who knew?)

As a great man once said: don't call it a comeback. I've been here for, quite literally, years...


We learn therefore that following the disappointments with EMI on the release of his new album, Mara Carlyle decided to give up and move on to other things and some time later the chain Ikea has called for use of his songs ( Pianni the album The Lovely ) for a new advertising and that since it is broadcast in England and which is a success surpassed 1 million views on YouTube with a lot of comments asking "what's that beautiful song?" his phone rings more often with new opportunities with the music industry and that will eventually Mara may release his new album one day.

Personally I hope this publicity will be stationed in England and it does not happen here in France because I do not want to hear mass here and wants to know the author of the song in the video! Mara is me!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Does Wwe Cover Their Wrestlers Travel Costs

Labmutation is dead, long live Labmutation! The new

Friends Biologists hello

the middle of August and the bottom of my laboratory I announce my intention to stop the publication of bills in this blog. The reason? Complex but I can summarize in 5 words:

"Reform kill me."

Created in fall 2008, this blog was intended to comment Reform of the French medical biology. Others have also often much better, but I thought it interesting that a biologist base gives its opinion on the issue (after all, there are many users who are spread in long pages ; about depilatory creams ... why not reform Ballereau). He had his little share of success with nearly 20,000 readers and resumption of tickets in various community sites. As an exemption, here a blog dedicated to mutual who recently cited Labmutation. But the end of recess was called. I a trade practice under conditions increasingly difficult, as many Sisters and Brothers, I head to the grindstone and not enough time for other activities. The requirement for accreditation and will need to reorganize the rolling landscape of French biology. In what state will we cope? To find out, then go in 2013. As for me, I have no choice but to (try to) prepare this deadline.

therefore Labmutation Quid? The blog will continue but with a different vocation.

I will indeed give the reins to KW will write little notes and biological techniques. Be discussed together because just imagine, Friends biologists, that in preparing for accreditation, I ask myself a lot of biological questions to which I have not answered, either in books or on the Internet or in the course of DES Interns I could cross. The "Experts" say that the answers are in the literature. Understand in articles in journals to which you can not access on-line! KW Well, try to show you what we found together. It will be less glamorous than commenting the conclusions of the Advocate General the European Court ... but the Medical Biology Is Glamour? Wide debate.

Brothers and Sisters in arms (instead of plain tubes), it was a pleasure to go the path with you.

Labmutation died. Cheers Labmutation.

Standing with a tear in the eye (... in September, will really make this assessment allergic).

PS: You can still reach me on labmutation at gmail dot com.

Monday, June 7, 2010

Bringing Maglite On Plane

Biologists are there: they are resistant.

Friends Biologists, hello.

You know everyone, we will celebrate in a dozen days, the 70th anniversary of the Appeal of 18 June What reminded me is a bubble about the recent media desire for a teachers' union to withdraw the memoirs of General de Gaulle's program sections of the secondary literature. Of course, I will refrain from making any public comment on the matter although on this belief.

You also know, French biology is now cut by a Maginot Line, a financial side Biology and Biology on the other practitioner (as I call it biology patrician dad - no I'm not exaggerating, have a look at the pyramid). Between these two fractions, a new has appeared. She sought his place in the last 5 years, past contests, learned, hoped and imagined his future career but in vain. Some have called "lost generation" and others have even criticized, quite cynically Besides, she had no place in the system since it did not wish not involved (again. ...) as did the one before. What would happen, happened. I let you have a look at this post .

After patrician biology, biology, financial, here is the Biology resistant.
Who says that young people were not interested in history?


Thursday, June 3, 2010

Can An International Student Lease A Car?

financial Biology: Advocate General supports the French Biologists.

Friends Biologists, hello.

In December 2008, the French Biology practitioner was at the bottom of abyss. By taking some information from the time I write a post: "The argument European not insurmountable." It was just before Christmas, and some readers (not all, there are always moaning) had appreciated the optimism.

Yesterday, June 2, 2010. This is the cherry season and inevitably that is genetically programmed, a renewed optimism. It is also the day when the Advocate General at the European Court, Paolo Mengozzi, delivered in an Italian impeccable, its conclusions about a business that has been resisted 18 months the European Commission to biology practitioner French. To cool off the record, I refer you to an old post on the subject and reminds you that criticizes the Commission considers it contrary to EU treaty rules restricting the one hand, 25% participation a non-biologist shareholder in the capital of a laboratory setting and on the other hand, both the maximum number of laboratories in which a biologist is present in the capital.

Regarding the first claim, Mr Mengozzi concludes

" I move the Court to dismiss the action insofar as the Commission asked to note that limiting the law to quarter than the shares and thus voting rights can be owned by non-biologists as part of a company of limited liability professional (SELARL ") formed to operate jointly one or several laboratories for biomedical tests, the French Republic has failed to fulfill its obligations under of Article 43 EC . "

So, yes. The Advocate believes that it is legally valid to limit the participation of non-biology laboratories in the capital to 25%. As such, it considers that Biomnis Unilabs and do not meet the regulatory criteria now legitimate (although Labco Cerba and respond). His legal argument is based on the Italian jurispridence pharmacies and conclusions of the Advocate Bot (reported optimistic post-2008). Master Mengozzi also emphasizes the similarity of the pharmaceutical sector (pharmacies) and organic in terms of professional independence and role in public health do not like financiers who leered through the takeover of the two sectors, the wealth of Social Security. He also rejects the parallel between the Commission did qu'avaint French biology and the Greek sector of the optic (why you smile?).

Regarding the second complaint, because it gives, in a brief argument, the Commission complained that the ban a biologist to participate in capital of more than two laboratories. There will necessarily be some wolves that are coming out of the woods.

Who said timber, said Cherry, who says cherry clafoutis said. I will send One or two houses made Master Mengozzi.


PS: To be complete, you will find the text of the Opinion of Advocate General on the website of the European Court under file number C-89/09.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What Other Lizard's Can Live With Bearded Dragons

Biologist: it's a job.

Friends Biologists, hello.

By popular demand, I have temporarily abandoned a record of method validation in progress (insulin, for the curious) to come have a look at the blog. The opportunity was too tempting for this week we celebrate a national monument, a symbol of our way of life in the French, an icon that is the envy of many cultures and that tourists come to enjoy during their stay in France.
You guess what it is by reading the following paragraph:

"For its 15th edition, the Feast of Bread, which runs from May 10 to 17, with the theme" Boulanger is a profession. "Everywhere in France, the public will be welcomed by the bakers and bakers in their shops and squares of towns and villages. In Paris, the Bread Festival will be held on the forecourt Notre Dame. Plaisir friendliness, gluttony and expertise will be the watchwords of this appointment. A bakery business is on average more than 6 employees (paid and unpaid), 264 600 euros sales tax per year, 12 077 euros of investment per year. Today there are 33,000 businesses (bakeries and bakers) with 37 000 outlets, 160 000 people and 10 billion euros in sales taxes. With an average of 340 daily visits, the food shops bakeries are the most heavily frequented "

Friends biologists, this nice little description does not it makes you feel a twinge of sadness ?

Let us go further: imagine that the baguette is reimbursed by social security and that, for reasons of economy, guardianships want to consolidate bakeries. Why To achieve economies of scale, reduce the number of bakeries and pretend ensure quality and safety at any point in the same territory. How? First, by allowing central heating rods which are languishing in frozen bakers competent but who can not knead the dough as they are supplied by huge automated factories. Then, by imposing a standard international costly and difficult to implement, but without which it is now inconceivable to make bread. That may be what the bakers want to avoid organizing this event friendly (they would perhaps was not against paying for the safety of bread ... but that's another story).

So, if we replace the word "bakery", "baker" and "bread" with "lab", "biologist" and "analysis" we fall back in the news. I see that frown to this mix and begin to look for sales, skills, wages, training etc ... but we like it or not, the biologist is a craftsman and "Biology is a job .. .. "

I return to my reproducibility of insulin.

pencil in his ear.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Can You Get Thrush From A Brazilian Wax

For fun!

Well, I loved it. Very nice topic, style. Poignant. Deep. Intelligent. Sensitive. And necessary. Of course all the passages in italics affected me as much needed reminders, obvious connection to spirituality. You're making. It is a pleasure to read. And you can make a return of this type.
short, when the next?
Sandrine C

Friday, March 26, 2010

Position Is Filled Letter

Business SDB / Novescia: the reactions of Dr. COAST and bathroom ... and a big surprise.

Dear Friends, hello.

News biological accelerated suddenly.
A previous post was referring to entry Novescia a biologist, a member of the Board and the Office of SDB. This fellow wanted to legitimately react. He has left a comment which I reproduce below as a right of reply.


I resigned from the Office of the bathroom the day I took office sde Dircom Novescia.
I present myself in a few months before the Board, an advisory body to explain
Just a thought to lead to the profession on diversity and analysis of thin structures without dogmatism.

Thierry COAST
Biologist "

At the same time, President of the IFE, Dr. John BENOIT, published on the site of union a statement. He explains the position of SDB on this issue and concedes, in diplomatic terms, " the growing influence and adverse financial networks in medical biology . Here's the full release:

"Dear colleagues,
The personal approach of a colleague, a member bodies of the IFE, to surrender his lab group without Novescia our knowledge does not undermine investment our Union to exercise and defend our independence vis-à-vis financial groups. In fact, I immediately asked the colleague to resign from office and the Board of Directors of SDB.
We regret the choice made by the colleague who is a strictly personal choice and reflects if any were needed of the growing influence and adverse financial networks within the French medical biology.
amalgam made by some between the bathroom and this fellow is somewhat dishonest and not prevent us from working to advance our position in Europe and through the changes we want the French legislation.
Jean Benoit
(25/03/2010) "

These two statements confirm that the environment of the profession has become particularly complex with strong uncertainties in the current model (see call Aurelie published here). It is also not for nothing that one of the largest laboratories French, Pastor-CERBA, be for sale by its owner . It's a big surprise. It is still difficult to imagine the consequences, but many will.


Thursday, March 25, 2010

Harry Potter Footsie Pajamas

Ordinance Laboratory Medicine: Aurélie rises the niche.

Friends Biologists, hello.

I see your eyebrows raise a quizzical: Aurélie but who is? Aurelie is a 3rd year Intern in medical biology and contacted me via the blog to give me her opinion (committed) as a young biologist on the ongoing reform. It is directly concerned because next year it should perform as a professional outlook and it leaves the Ordinance does not really welcome. His speech, both in form and substance, in my opinion deserves wide dissemination. I have therefore proposed a Labmutation interview, which she accepted on condition of anonymity respected. A promise is due.
GoM. Hi Aurelie, going straight to the point, do you want? You have expressed your deep concern about the arrival of financial groups in medical biology. Tell us why.
"Biology French liberal, exercise of its practitioners, and ethical individual is an exception in Europe. It is this notion of local laboratory, the French exception that we believe is threatened by the arrival of foreign capital in the profession. Holdings of domestic and foreign financial companies, are attracted by the profitability promised by the merger of the laboratories. The sole purpose of these groups is the financial return on their investments and achieve significant profits by restructuring the heavily French laboratories. This market is worth billions of euros and is rendered insolvent by health insurance. What to ask more? And to achieve their ends, everything is good: Complaints against the French state, search the College of Pharmacists, intimidation, propaganda in the press ... to unworthy methods of so-called altruistic world of health. "
you think what consequences it might therefore be for the French patients?
"Let's be clear. By industrializing the profession, we will disconnect all phases of medical analysis, the samples will be miles away by courier to reach the place where they are analyzed, posing the risk of missing the real emergencies. Validation Organic is made from distance, biologists at the chain end will delegate responsibility and engage in all stages without really being able to control. These groupings will be a source of unemployment for skilled health workers such as laboratory technicians. New trades will appear as leaders and managers, human resource managers, sales reps, utterly useless now. Unprofitable sites will be closed or moved from downtown to industrial zones. The decline will be offset by naming an increase in volumes which involved no savings to Social Security. The major risk is the gradual exit from the scope of care by health insurance medical tests. How to accept terms that national solidarity goes supplying dividends foreign pension funds? French patients were and still are satisfied with their laboratories. You risk to destroy everything to yield to the financial lobbyists who will be real empires. "
GoM-How do you, as a young biologist, to prevent this drift?
" The young biologists, supported by all unions biologists have been received repeatedly by the government to assert the need to preserve the area of health. The preserve does not protect a corporatist vision of art. Biologists are willing-and they have proven to integrate quality, efficiency and cost control in their daily exercise when they can remain master of their decision and majority owner of their tool. An implementation decree to bridge the health professions for the legislative gap opened by Article 5.1 of Law No. 90-1258 on the current financial SALT professionals. Take this decree would be a strong gesture : It would close the possibility for investors outside the profession to circumvent the law to make arrangements allowing them to hold up to 99% stake in laboratories. "
GoM-Wide Program! This decree is claimed for 10 years and so far only lawyers have managed to obtain them. What do you expect concrete for 2010?
"That the state is committed to us. It makes every effort to move towards an exercise practitioner, independent and ethics for our generation. He gave France a chance able to maintain this network of laboratories proximity that every French person may safely find a testing laboratory, and, above all, an expert, passionate about his craft, able not only to perform the required laboratory tests, but especially to inform, advise, reassure or alert their doctor if necessary. Biologists are trained practitioners tray 10. Their professional liability is incurred through medical procedures they perform. They want and need to stay in charge of their management and their investments, their concerns being essentially different from those of even Financial. France can and must assert its model except that some European countries recognize envy. In these countries, the pressure of holding companies is such that it is impossible to return to a more human biology. Do not commit the same mistake. "
GoM-Ok but when you have the opportunity to express your claims to the guardianship?
" Well dear GoM, you Labmutation excluded. This Saturday, March 27, a roundtable was organized by the FNSIP Ballereau with Michel at the Faculty of Pharmacy Paris V (4, avenue de l'Observatoire Paris 6th - 14h to 15h). Mrs Bachelot promised to participate in video conferencing. Young biologists will have a great opportunity. "
GoM (nostalgic) - I'll be there but alas not I count on you to keep readers informed of the blog.
" Promised. Leave your smartphone lit "

Friends Biologists, the succession is assured, but indeed a pity that the former prefer to sell their laboratory financial groups. Keep in touch.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Infection Behind My Lip

Medical Biology: An alarming disagreement looms on the horizon.

Friends Biologists, hello.

There really is nothing to rejoice because of medical biology through a bad time sacred. After the establishment of a "resistance" in the form of a petition by a fraction of biologists who do not want to be clear (see post ), an obvious conflict of interest within the main union of biologists (see post) that is a union hospital and clearly expressed in words-say-unkind comment on the petition cited. This is the message that the union president I reproduce below, but which is available on the site :

"I ( sic) you should be grateful not to sign the petition" biologistesencolère "flowing. This petition comes from members, the most conservative and reactionary, a private syndicate that have only one objective, nothing moves, nothing changes and nothing evolves

... These are the same people who, during the consultation meetings which were held at the Department since March 2008, have nothing denied or criticized (with the exception of the opening of the capital) but are catching up in the dining-out decisions to freeze that does not suit them, it worked very well with the direction of the social security system to block any changes in NABM as the introduction to the nomenclature of analysis BHN.
But these practices were not enough this time to block the publication of the order, hence the letter "anonymous" and the petition of the same name!

With this reform the hardest part is ahead of us but certainly the most exciting too. We produce a high quality bio-medical, do not be afraid to prove it. we will all, we biologists and our teams grow from this challenge. The

Chairman of SNBH

I am very surprised by this message on both the form and substance and it is the first time I see professional unions settle the account in this way by Internet interposed. If it is a manipulation, timing is well chosen, that is to say, just before the release of certain regulations in April (as the announcement of the addition SDB on its website but also and especially the passage of the Ordinance before the Parliament (April 15).

The ancients said in Latin "divide et impera" divide and reign, which Wikipedia describes (sorry I Culture I can) as a winning strategy to reduce concentrations of power in elements that individually have less power than that implements the strategy.

Question: Who implements the strategy?

PS: Thanks for the info Totsaki.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Untucked Dress Shirt With Jeans And Jacket

Novescia debauchery a pillar of SDB. Women

New just drop it and already stirred the mainstream of biology, even though the profession is experiencing a painful reorganization. One of the elected National SDB, biologists largest union, has been hired as spokesperson Novescia group.

The press release issued by the group (whose CEO is from the General Health) insists on union responsibilities of the biologist. Many brothers and sisters moved away are considering that this is a real conflict of interest.

" Novescia TM joined the group as director of communications.
Novescia is the French leader in medical biology , consisting of laboratories medical biology throughout France. Born in 195 .., MC is a biologist, a former internal medicine at the Hospitals of Paris, former student of the Master "Management and Health Policy , "at Sciences-Po Paris.
He opened his own laboratory in 1988. In 2003, he participated in the first merger of clinical laboratories in Paris.
Since 1990, MC was also the spokesman and one of the main body of elected union biology. In this context , MC has initiated an action and reflection on the evolution of public health policies in general and of medical biology, particularly "

For now, the bathroom did not communicate on the subject and we do not know at the time of this writing if the biologist will resign from his union duties.

nice catch.


Sunday, March 21, 2010

When Men Grow Their Pinky Nail

Why do they need a (real) medical laboratory close to home?

All women need a medical laboratory near their home or their workplace. Why? Because Social Security is formal, it is the first-consuming analysis. Not for pleasure but out of obligation.

You're skeptical and you want examples, either. Who often require a urine test or a pregnancy test? Women. Where are they going to do? In the laboratory the corner. I'm not talking about the various hormonal explorations they must achieve and sometimes later analysis which at one time or another need their children. I forget to mention the mandatory assessments of pregnancy and those prescribed by gynecologists during menopause. I'm also missing some long-term illnesses like autoimmune often affecting women and require regular review.

course, you say, but a good collection center would it not matter? No, a thousand times no because experience showed that often the biologist and physician work together and discuss the results of their analysis of patients that would be technically not possible if they are dealing with a collection center that sends anonymous testing to a large plate technique. Speaking biological jargon, the post-analysis would not be optimal.

Ladies, come in your lab area and ask to talk to biologists. They will welcome you and explain why the profession (and therefore your access to care) is threatened.

(put flowers in the waiting room)

PS: I shed a tear for the ninth grand slam. Bravo guys!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Coo Coo Clock Lubrication

Ordinance medical biology: organized resistance.

Friends biologists, hello.

Coordination called "Biologists angry" and is defined as "a non-union initiative and bringing together biologists, unionized or not opposed to the reforms undertaken by the order" has launched a website ( ) and a petition.

According to some informed sources, it would appear that either of Biologists south of France, which had launched the initiative, supported by the very active SJBM .
Beyond signing the petition, they call for biologists to get on the mailing list Biomed.


PS: the two issues of the day, how many labs will remain in 2013? how much is actually accreditation? If you have specific answers ...

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

How Many Is Overdose On Zopiclone

Ordinance of biology at the field test -1

Friends Biologists, hello.

The new legislative context of medical biology confronts the realities. Biologists appropriated the text of the order, read, interpret and issues emerge one after another. Who can answer these questions?
The problem is that legal recourse is limited. For now, there are only two institutions that have a (an) identified jurist (e): College of Pharmacists and the SDB. It is not enough. Meanwhile, it is necessary to centralize questions, gather and sort them by size and theme. In this context, I publish the post of a field biologist who challenges us on the responsibility of biologists regarding removals. The problem is huge, if you have any suggestions or comments, go to the end of the post.


"A debate could open up the responsibility of the notice of levy. We talk about little but the delegation of levy from paramedics while maintaining accountability is an extremely delicate.
Order clearly describes the 3 phases of the act of medical biology with pre-analytical phase includes the removal (L 6211-2). It also says a little further than examining medical biology is performed under the responsibility of medical biologist (L 6211-7). It is written in this article that the liability would apply only to certain phases of the examination. Why and under what conditions?
Then, Article L 6211-11, which for the first time in the text the concept of Biologist (not very clear concept defined later) said that the biologist retains full responsibility for the whole examination even if one phase is performed outside the laboratory. Is there not a contradiction?
Regarding the pre-analytical and sampling, the legislature provides for the application of an agreement with third parties so that they respect the procedures in the laboratory (L & L 6211-14 6211-15). That contain these conventions? And who will be responsible for the act of removal? Critical example, the hospital where the samples are taken most often by nurses Services will be responsible? The biologist or the Head of Hospital Service? And the nurses who are liberal? The professional activity it does not recognize the full responsibility of the person who performs an act, a mission, service, etc.. and for which he is paid? If nurses have more responsibility for this act, is it our "biologists responsible" (again ...) to pay them? And if there is a misnomer on the tubes, on the transmission sheet or other documents and we have no way of noticing (this can happen), who is responsible? The sampler " Liberal "mandated by the laboratory or biologist?
Article L 6211-17 requires that the biologist determines in advance of medical examinations to be carried out sampling and procedures to apply. This is perfectly consistent with the previous articles as this will prevent a large number of sampling errors and increase the responsibility of the biologist on the pre-analytical phase. But in practice, how does it make? Some say that patients should call the lab to make their appointments ... How to force them? How already inform this new rule?
Another crucial aspect of these articles is the deregulation created on the relationship between practice nurses, pharmacists and biologists. Collection and specimen collection could be carried everywhere, whether lab or on-site pharmacies. Some will not fail to rush into these holes to capture the activity of neighboring open a center to see samples (sites medical biology laboratory?). And there, we discuss the financial aspect of the case ...
Article L 6211-21 prevents Does it really any surrender fees or COMMERCIAL standard fee related to a service? Opinions seem very divided on this aspect. While it is clear that we can not do discount or rebate (that is to say, charge less than the social security costs), as one can legitimately ask the question of compensation fixed transmission that pay this act of transmission? Biomnis CERBA and said no, but some biologists seem to really say otherwise with all the excesses that can be imagined.

Biologist "

Monday, March 15, 2010

What Is The Best Metastock Expert Advisor

Election results on the township for the last 6 elections

Below are the results for the canton of Château du Loir, in the past six elections (first round).

(to enlarge the image, click on it)

Note: for the 2004 Regional PS and Green had made an alliance. The result of this alliance is positioned in the chart for the PS.

Sharply yours. Jean-Michel


Friday, March 12, 2010

Homemade Moisturizer For Lips

ISO 15189 and Computing for medical laboratories: COFRAC arrested.

Friends Biologists, hello.

Today, you should everyone have a copy of the Standard ISO 15189 on your cluttered desk and possibly even on your nightstand. If you have arrived until page 32 (2007), you noticed that Appendix B for the Laboratory Information System (LIS) has become more informative and not normative . Some traders have moved away and I am pleased to reproduce below the open letter that one of them sends to this story Human Health Division COFRAC. Feedback is very expected.

Happy reading.

(who fights with his supplier SIL)


I took knowledge via the site COFRAC, the draft manual for accreditation of medical laboratories. I would like to respond through this open letter on the scope of the requirement 4.2.4.r on Information Systems Laboratories in this document.

Within this paper, the Annex B of the ISO15189 standard is in effect presented
as "informative" and containing recommendations "that the LBM can choose apply. This position, at odds with the ambitions of the original standard, which has the contrary Appendix B as "normative," I feel sad for several reasons which I will detail below after a brief remission in context.

Auditor experienced computer, my first contact with the ISO15189 standard goes back to last fall when an audit of security that I had the pleasure of driving on the laboratory information system of a large hospital South-west France. On this occasion, I saw the close integration (and that will only grow in years to come) between the profession of medical biology and informatics. I also noted with some satisfaction that the problems of internal control information contained in the annex B constituted a first step to ensure the safety of biological and medical information under four criteria:

* Availability: This is through the recommendations relating to the environment (Annex B2) recovery and data storage (B6), maintenance of the system (B8), to ensure that medical and biological information about the patient available at any time, including the critical moments of life to improve quality of care.

* Integrity: It is through the recommendations relating to system security (Annex B4), to ensure patient safety by ensuring that information about the biological and medical are not likely to be altered accidentally or fraudulently.

* Confidentiality: This is, again via the recommendations relating to system security (Annex B4), ensure that the transmission of information relating to biological and medical respect patient's right to privacy and dignity.

* Traceability: it is through the recommendations on data entry and records (Appendix B5), to ensure the safety of patients can formally establish the responsibilities each user in the creation / modification / removal of biological and medical information.

Through this risk analysis summary, we see therefore that the risks associated with information system Health non-controlled and non-secure in some cases can endanger a patient's life: the case of on-irradiated Epinal has unfortunately shown us the evidence.

One object that is heavy in Annex B (4 of 40 pages devoted to computer cons a-half in the GBEA), its implementation , added to the QMS, is cumbersome and expensive, and that controls will be implemented in addition difficult to evaluate by non-specialists in audit.

Certainly, some of these arguments is in order: some recommendations are thus probably overly detailed (see Appendix B5: data entry and records). Other provisions, which are yet the most basic sense, do not appear when more surprisingly absent (eg no recommendation on the equipment antiviral workstations to protect the laboratory of malicious attacks).

However, can we at this time where cybercrime explodes worldwide, spread with the back handle a set of best practices under the sole pretext that they are too complex to implement, especially in small structures? The dumbing down is it an acceptable strategy when public health is directly at stake?

Despite their faults and shortcomings, we would all agree that the recommendations in Annex B challenge us on matters of substance or strategic managers laboratory: how ensure the continuity of my business disaster? How to prevent risk of fraud? How to avoid errors of diagnosis? ...

For all these reasons, Annex B shall return in the manual COFRAC the normative status originally conferred on him the ISO15189. Let us, therefore, the stakes of the reform of the French medical biology in setting ambitious targets for 2016: to do this, let us today on each of the recommendations contained in the annex and do an analysis comprehensive risk based on the outline given above, in order to only extract from the document that the true substance. This work, conducted as part
an ad hoc committee, involving members of different colleges, will:

* better understand the risks associated to non-compliance,
* to assess their risk for each level of acceptability
* for each risk to determine the best strategy in the context of laboratory accreditation (Recommendation normative or informative).

The interest of the patient, "single purpose" required by the report Ballereau, is the price!


graduate of the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris
Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA) by ISACA
Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) by (ISC) ²
Member of the French Association of Computer Listeners ( FAFIA)