Thursday, December 23, 2010

Japanese Wedding Card

Biology Practitioner or defeated David against Goliath.

Friends Biologists, hello.

Death to Assumption Labmutation reborn at Christmas!
not see any religious symbol because it is the justice of men who led this return, especially that of the Court of Justice of the European Union (ECJ). Any good biologist who respects himself certainly remembers the June 2, 2010. That day, the Advocate General delivered his opinion on the C89-09 case that pitted, for almost 2 years, the European Commission to biology practitioner French.
I stated in a previous post its proposal to the Court:

" I move the Court to dismiss the action insofar as the Commission calls to note that limiting the law to quarter than the shares and thus voting rights can be owned by non-biologists as part of a company of limited liability professional (SELARL) formed to operate in one or more common laboratory bio-medical analysis, the Republic French has failed to fulfill its obligations under Article 43 EC . "

Six months later, on December 16, the ECJ makes its ruling that you can read in its entirety on Site of the court and it vindicates the General Counsel and recognized that the merits of the French biology practitioner. To convince you, I extracted the following two paragraphs:

66 Thus, given the power accorded to Member States to determine the level at which they wish to protection of public health , it must be conceded that they may require biomedical tests are carried out by biologists enjoying a real professional independence . They can also take measures to eliminate or reduce a risk to independence if such a breach would be likely to affect public health and quality of medical services (see, in the sense , Case May 19, 2009, Commission v Italy, paragraph 59, and Apothekerkammer des Saarlandes Others, paragraph 35).

67 Non-biologists have not, by definition, training, experience and a responsibility equivalent to those of biologists. In these circumstances it is appropriate to note that they do not have the same guarantees as those provided by them (see, to that effect, dated 19 May 2009 Commission v Italy, paragraph 62, and Apothekerkammer des Saarlandes Others, paragraph 38).

the Court in its wisdom has recalled the fundamental concepts of biology practitioner, who both been mocked or trampled upon by proponents of biology financial . It also consolidates the tenacity of the thousands of biologists not only convinced by the interest of their daily exercise (the famous Biologists Resistant ) but also trained, experienced, responsible, independent, that provide quality medical service and participate in the protection of public health.
The Court also confirmed by this decision that health is not a commodity like any other and that capital and medical practice do not mix.

Some of you bitch again, recalling that all is far from settled and that the purely capitalistic continue to buy small laboratories. While I grant you, but we always mark major life events, a profession or year and discontinuation of December 16 is a challenge.

For more details, I refer you to article by Geraldine otherwise excavated more than this modest post.

Finally, this Christmas, if you still have not found a gift for your sister, your stepfather's nephew or your girlfriend, I suggest the excellentissime " indignation you " Stéphane Hessel. Buy several, you should only do happy.

Excellent holiday.

GoM, return.


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