After the excellent album Speck, Alexa Woodward is back with a new album entitled It's a good life, honey, if you do not grow weary .
In fact this album is not yet officially available at the time of writing this article because you can not get it in the concerts that Alexa is currently in the process of giving through the United Unis.C It is only in a few weeks that the album will be officially released but you can still get it now before its release and if you can not go to his concerts directly to the singer through his PayPal.C east of this way I received this new album and a few days ago and is signed by Alexa.Pour I really wanted my album to be signed since last year, with big money problems, I could not participate in its fundraising campaign kickstart to the development of this album and that one of the rewards if it was a gift was a signed copy of the disc.
Asked if this new album is not as well or that his predecessor Speck, the answer is oui.Je must admit that at first listen I was a little surprised (and disappointed) that the banjo is not present on all tracks of the disc unlike Speck to . Indeed, one can hear the banjo only half the songs on the album and not totalité.C is past the surprise and the second listen that I fully appreciated this new album because when the first time I was a little disoriented (and a little disappointed). Other instruments are much more present on this album than its predecessor and even if the banjo is only present on half the album title musically it gives a more varied.
Yes, It's a good life, honey, if you do not grow weary is a great album and it is one of my favorites.
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