Friends Biologists, hello.
Unions Liberals biologists, hospital or training have responded to the adoption of Amendment 17 in a joint press statement which I quote the text below but you can find directly on the site of FNSIP .
Bioclinical yours.
"Turnaround Government:
UMP MPs attempt to repeal the ordinance on the biology
UMP MPs attempt to repeal the ordinance on the biology
Wednesday, February 9 in the evening, the National Assembly voted in first reading in small groups, under the revision of the bioethics law, a amendment repealing the ordinance of January 13, 2010 reforming medical biology. It was introduced by the UMP (*) - some biologists - without Xavier Bertrand otherwise. This Ordinance gives Biologists medical medical objective positive and very ambitious.
At this time, the parliamentary process is not complete and the text is not permanently adopted. The Ordinance is still applicable.
We find that:
- the repeal of an order by an amendment adopted in haste, without justification throughout the text, under a law with no direct link with the subject would be a first in the annals of Parliament.
- Minister of Health has not objected to sitting in the adoption of this amendment undermines reform developed recently under the auspices of its predecessor Roselyne Bachelot.
- Minister of Health is willing to let undermine a reform that is part of a quality, safety health and public health, for unclear reasons. One method which seems very inappropriate, even though the various commissions of inquiry continues on the case Picks.
- the method used is contemptuous of the groundwork has been done for over two years by the Department in consultation with all stakeholders in the French medical biology.
professional organizations deeply regret the adoption of this amendment puts a sword of Damocles over the reform biology and opens the way for passage of medical and all commercial relocations. This process suspends net being published implementing regulations and places the biologists in a professional and legal insecurity extremely dangerous and harmful, will place France in a position of inconsequence to the Court of Justice of the European Union.
Minister of Health does he question the progress of the reform: the medicalization, quality, non-opening of the capital and the safety of patients and public health? He found in front of him all the players who built it.
(*) the UMP and NC Jardé, Vialatte, Domergue, Poletti and Boyer.
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