Friends Biologists, rebonsoir.
As I have often had occasion to write, we are fortunate to live in a democracy where the work of Parliament (representatives of the people) are transparent and accessible. Thank crossing the excellent work done by the small hands of the Assembly who are responsible for collecting, transcribing and broadcast the debates. Always
to power your personal reflection and in case you are unable to sleep, I give you below the entire proceedings that led to the adoption of Amendment 17. In a burst of humor to the 36th degree (or rather a moment of madness), I re-titled "Nobel amendment" because you are aware that the illustrious namesake has not only supported but the brightest researchers also discovered nitroglycerin.
Happy reading.
Olivier Jardé . Order of 13 January 2010 on medical biology, as written, prohibits the exercise of medical biology to researchers in non-graduate medical biology, particularly in the context of medically assisted procreation.
The ordinance raises many problems, we have already discussed in this Chamber. It prohibits nurses to take samples in their offices. It creates difficulties for private medical laboratories, but also to those hospitals that can not obtain accreditation.
Recently, the competition of aggregation was blocked because of the impossibility of registering candidates to the National Council of Universities.
For all these reasons, I propose to repeal this ordinance.
Mr. Chairman. call Jean-Sebastien Vialatte.
Jean-Sebastien Vialatte . Today in the clinical laboratories of university hospitals, a number of department heads can no longer run their service - this is also the case of genetics, hematology, or bacteriology - because that 'They have no degree has become mandatory. We created a real problem in the public hospital, which also arises, moreover, in private laboratories.
Mr. Chairman. What is the opinion of the Committee ?
Jean Leonetti , reporter. It issued a favorable opinion. I note however that this ordinance makes numerous changes to the health code. I await the opinion of the Government, which has fully prepared the ordinance its full repeal would likely side effects that go beyond the objective of the authors of the amendment.
Mr. Chairman. What is the opinion of the Government?
Xavier Bertrand, Minister . The Government relies on the wisdom of the Assembly.
Initially, I tried to express an unfavorable opinion and tell you that this ordinance would be reviewed on the occasion of the bill Fourcade. But it is not intended to be a catchall. So I can not guarantee that the matter will be considered in that context.
We will therefore have to rework ourselves what is regulatory power, so the order in an atmosphere of total cooperation - I do not say "co-decision" because we will perhaps not agree with everyone. There are certainly subjects, such as this are reviewed.
Mr. Chairman. call Mr. Jean-Louis Touraine.
Jean-Louis Touraine . I support the amendment, I even proposed co-sign. In committee, Mr. Minister, you said exactly this: "I am ready to discuss the situation and to return if necessary on the prescription. If you were proposals in this regard, my task would be facilitated. "We have at heart, Mr. Minister, for your convenience and to repeal, to this end the order. (Laughter.)
Mr. Chairman. call Mr. Jean-Yves Le Déaut.
Jean-Yves Le Déaut . I am also ready to join the amendment, which was before us very late when it was presented as part of the law HPST, in which he was a bit of a jumper.
If one wants the organization of research, care and therapy in medical schools is done in a multidisciplinary manner, it is important not to maintain that order.
I myself was, during of my career, my D.Sc., assistant and assistant faculty hospitals. So I participated in activities of medical biology. It was possible, as is possible in Canada, the United States and in most developed countries. Since that order, it is possible for scientists, pharmacists, working in cooperation with multidisciplinary teams in clinical laboratories. I'm totally in favor of deleting this provision of the ordinance, which the editors have not probably seen all the consequences.
Mr. Chairman. call Catherine Génisson.
Catherine Génisson . I confess myself puzzled .
Xavier Bertrand, Minister . The hospital will close Arras! (Laughter.)
Catherine Génisson . No, there is no question of Arras, I will not be a personal matter, as Mr. Le Déaut.
It seems to me that these people that you mention retain the ability to participate in research. What they can not be is a professor of pulpit. But is it not logical that, to be professor of chair under a specialty x or y, it almost had expertise in these specialties?
Maybe I understand the issue badly, but I'm a little dubious. I been arrested, conversely, by persons having qualifications ad hoc who were denied a professorship because other personalities, probably very competent and most prominent, but did not graduate, occupied the chair, preventing young people with the specialty in question to access it.
So I admit my confusion to the arguments developed by each other, unless there is something that escapes me.
M. president. call Jean-Sebastien Vialatte.
Jean-Sebastien Vialatte . We are not in the context of research, but in that of diagnosis. This is to make genetic diagnoses.
The text originally included the term "genetics laboratory, which was not a problem. Now it includes the term "medical biology laboratory", which is problematic since the laboratory directors of genetic biologists are not medical. It follows a number of hospital services will find themselves without managers having the right qualifications.
Mr. Chairman. call Mr Olivier Jardé.
Olivier Jardé . My answer to Catherine Génisson the National Council of Universities has 43 sections, all specialties Medical There are not represented. Biology, for example, do not exist. An associate who will take the examination may have multiple backgrounds and make medical biology: it can be toxicologist, or geneticist, and not necessarily biologist. These people can no longer take the examination. Here is the problem, you confirm that Jean-Louis Touraine.
There is also the issue of nurses. With this order, a nurse does not even have the right to make withdrawals in his own firm. It must go in a firm of medical biology. It's the same thing, as just said Jean-Sebastien Vialatte for genetics laboratories. The system has become overly restrictive.
Mr. Chairman. call Guy Lefrand.
Guy Lefrand . I would go back to what just said Olivier Jardé. We have been challenged by liberal nurses who will be prevented, even as we try to promote the territorial coverage by private health professionals, to make withdrawals, at least to travel home with the cost that this entails and how long it takes, or go to the laboratory in a medical biology.
I think it should really rework this ordinance because we are faced with some absurd situations in a distressed area.
Mr. Chairman. call Catherine Génisson.
Catherine Génisson . I do not want to unnecessarily prolong the proceedings, but why not revert to the name "Laboratory of Genetics," which would solve all problems? I get the impression that they are protecting ... meadow square
Jean-Yves Le Déaut . is the opposite!
(Amendment No. 17 was adopted.)
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