Friends Biologists, hello.
If you have time to look up your tubes, microscopes and hands or eyes off your screen results, you've probably read the news falling since last night.
I cite in particular the NPA reported yesterday evening that the remarks of Minister of Health, X. Bertrand:
" I want to assure all those, primarily biologists, who worry about this situation. The text remains in force today. There was no Senate vote "
" It is no question of removing the order enables to organize the functioning of biology in our country "
[ must] rework on some specific points of order by this passage in the Senate "
" This will be the focus of work in the coming weeks consultation "
These remarks were held yesterday evening in the Senate while elected began consideration of the bill proposed by Senator Jean-Pierre Fourcade amend certain provisions of the law HPST. The minutes of the discussions is available on the site Upper House .
Before you can make your own opinion about the turn of events, I offer below some significant excerpts of the debate:
Jean-Pierre Fourcade [explaining the reasons for the proposed law] :
" ... some imperfections, some decisions of the Constitutional Council, the Council of State comments or requests for union doctors [liberals] and hospital convinced me that it was necessary to clarify things so that everyone willing to accept reform. "
Xavier Bertrand [speaking next]:
" HPST The law aimed to implement a range of quality care and accessible. Difficulties appeared, the Government therefore supports the initiative of Mr. Fourcade ... This text was highly anticipated. An amendment to the bill to delete Bioethics Order biology. There is no question, although it must review that order. I want to reassure professionals.
The Government supports this text. (Applause from the right) "
Gilbert Barbier: [in discussion]
" ... A word on the conditions for exercising Occupation medical biologist, within strict limits. It would create a third path for hospital staff. But researchers tend to co-opt. Why have questioned the reform of medical biology, matured for two years? (Applause from various quarters) "
Common sense has prevailed. There could be no question of abolishing an order that governs an important area of care (Ordinance of 2010 and 1975 Act repealed medical biology would have lost all legal and regulatory framework) but everything suggests that repeal passed last week by the House was a shrewd maneuver to renegotiate the content. It is rumored that if the initiator of the reform, Mr. Ballereau had been closed for some queries, the order would not have been so rudely mistreated. The political context is not foreign to this reversal.
Bioclinical yours
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