Friday, March 26, 2010

Position Is Filled Letter

Business SDB / Novescia: the reactions of Dr. COAST and bathroom ... and a big surprise.

Dear Friends, hello.

News biological accelerated suddenly.
A previous post was referring to entry Novescia a biologist, a member of the Board and the Office of SDB. This fellow wanted to legitimately react. He has left a comment which I reproduce below as a right of reply.


I resigned from the Office of the bathroom the day I took office sde Dircom Novescia.
I present myself in a few months before the Board, an advisory body to explain
Just a thought to lead to the profession on diversity and analysis of thin structures without dogmatism.

Thierry COAST
Biologist "

At the same time, President of the IFE, Dr. John BENOIT, published on the site of union a statement. He explains the position of SDB on this issue and concedes, in diplomatic terms, " the growing influence and adverse financial networks in medical biology . Here's the full release:

"Dear colleagues,
The personal approach of a colleague, a member bodies of the IFE, to surrender his lab group without Novescia our knowledge does not undermine investment our Union to exercise and defend our independence vis-à-vis financial groups. In fact, I immediately asked the colleague to resign from office and the Board of Directors of SDB.
We regret the choice made by the colleague who is a strictly personal choice and reflects if any were needed of the growing influence and adverse financial networks within the French medical biology.
amalgam made by some between the bathroom and this fellow is somewhat dishonest and not prevent us from working to advance our position in Europe and through the changes we want the French legislation.
Jean Benoit
(25/03/2010) "

These two statements confirm that the environment of the profession has become particularly complex with strong uncertainties in the current model (see call Aurelie published here). It is also not for nothing that one of the largest laboratories French, Pastor-CERBA, be for sale by its owner . It's a big surprise. It is still difficult to imagine the consequences, but many will.



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